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Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Third Edition, has been completely restructured to explain in greater detail how courses on forensic psychology are taught, making it more applicable as a textbook than previous editions. It also features more figures, tables and text boxes, making it a true textbook. Introduction to Forensic Psychology, Third Edition, has been completely restructured to explain in greater detail how courses on forensic psychology are taught, making it more applicable as a textbook than previous editions. It also features more figures, tables and text boxes, making it a true textbook. What this book has that others do not is equal representation of criminal behavior, the. Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation for Non-Experts, Third Edition, was written with the non-accountant in mind, aimed to demystify what often is character-ized as complicated. The reality is most fraud and financial crime that occurs is not over-ly complicated, just made to appear that way either for concealment purposes or as a.
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