We use a Biorad imager to get our Western blot images. The images are stored in a scn format. To use these images for publication or in a powerpoint presentation, I export the scn file to a tiff file. Export the Image File The system saves the acquired image data as bltadwin.ru file. Once you export the image file, you can analyze the image data using Image Lab™ Software on a separate computer. 1 Tap destinations: Send/Save and select one of the following veUSi Bdr Save to . Image Lab software is for personal computers running Windows and Mac OS and is a powerful yet easy to use package for acquisition and analysis of gel and blot images. Image Lab features simplified lane loading normalization and automated detection of lanes and bands with complete report generation. Image Lab standard edition can be downloaded bltadwin.ru disk space: 60 GB.
Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Download Bio-Rad CFX Manager for free. Bio-Rad CFX Manager is a program designed for an intuitive experiment setup and data analysis with the following Bio-Rad real-time PCR detection systems: CFX96 Touch system - CFX96 Touch Deep Well system - CFX Connect system - CFX Touch system. Register. Benefits of Registration Account pricing. Hot lists.
Image Lab software is for personal computers running Windows and Mac OS and is a powerful yet easy to use package for acquisition and analysis of gel and blot images. Image Lab features simplified lane loading normalization and automated detection of lanes and bands with complete report generation. Image Lab standard edition can be downloaded free. Download Bio-Rad CFX Manager for free. Bio-Rad CFX Manager is a program designed for an intuitive experiment setup and data analysis with the following Bio-Rad real-time PCR detection systems: CFX96 Touch system - CFX96 Touch Deep Well system - CFX Connect system - CFX Touch system. The standard version of Image Lab can be downloaded for free from Bio-Rad's website, after you register for a Bio-Rad account. Those who do not want to register for a Bio-Lab account can use ImageJ and its accompanying Bio-Formats library (cross-platform) to view SCN images.